Donate Funds

One Time Donation

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Over our 20+ year history, we have found loving homes for thousands of cats and dogs. We rely primarily on the generous donations of individuals and area businesses. We also hold several events each year to raise critical funds which allow us to remain open. We also rely heavily on the support of volunteers.

You can donate directly to our cause online right now through PayPal by clicking on the yellow Donation button. It's fast, free, and secure. Plus, your contributions are tax deductible! As always, we and our 4-legged temporary residents thank you in advance for your generosity.

PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

Sustaining Donor

Become a sustaining donor of the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter and help us provide our animals with food, shelter and medical care. Giving is simple and easy each month through PayPal. Your monthly gift makes all the difference to our animals!

Sustaining Donor


We now accept donations via Venmo.  Find us at @heartofmn.

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